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Музей-заповедник «КИЖИ»

Terms and cost of the ETC programs for the season 2016

Group up to 8 participants:

5 days program (RUB) (29 h. of theor./pract. lessons)Each additional day (RUB) (7 h. of theor./pract. lessons)
36 500 RUB7 500 RUB


  1. In case the group has less than 8 participants, the price is charged as for a group of 8 participants.
  2. The price includes the Kizhi sightseeing guided tour.

Terms of the participation:

Please, contact us:
Titova Olga, chief of the WHS service,
+7 (8142) 79-98-14, e-mail: olga@kizhi.karelia.ru
Bukchina Olga, manager of the WHS unit
+7 (8142) 79-98-18, e-mail: bukchina@kizhi.karelia.ru