Poster №1 – Diagram of the ecological path Vkontakte@kizhi

Location of view points

Locations of view points

  1. The beginning of the tour (An information poster near the office building)
  2. Climate of Zaonezhie (An information poster near the roadside cross from the village of Chuinavolok)
  3. Geological structure of the Kizhi skerries’ territory (an information poster by the gate in the fence)
  4. Kizhi Island genesis (an information poster near helicopter landing deck)
  5. Glacier marks on the Island of Kizhi (an information poster near the cemetery)
  6. Flora of the Kizhi Island (an information poster at a windmill near the village of Yamka)
  7. Birds of the Kizhi skerries (an information poster near the Vernicle Chapel on Naryina Hill)
  8. Fauna of the Kizhi Island (an information poster near the well)
  9. The influence of human activity on the development of Kizhi landscape (an information poster on the lower path)
  10. Environmental problems and their solution (An information poster near WC)

The world famous Kizhi Museum is one of the largest open-air museums in Russia. The museum collections contain numerous pieces of the wooden architecture. But the nature of these parts is not of any less interest.

Travelers and scientists always admired scenes of Zaonezhie. E. Laksman, who was a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, wrote about this country: “It is difficult to imagine how picturesque and beautiful the local sceneries are. You can see pine, birch and thick lime forests interlaced with beautiful fields, meadows, arduous hills and bare cliffs”.

Following the ecological path you will see some natural objects of the Island of Kizhi and will learn lot about them.[текст с сайта музея-заповедника "Кижи":]

What is Zaonezhie? How deep is Onego Lake? How cold is winter here? These are the most frequently asked questions. To find the answer see information poster №2.

// Ecological path of the Island of Kizhi
Y.Protasov, R.Martyanov, A.Korosov
Музей-заповедник «Кижи». Петрозаводск. 2008. 24 с.

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