Wellcome to Kizhi Virtual Tours!

Two epics

Two epics

Russian old ballad and karelian epic (in russian). (about / in russian)

Homestead of the karelian farmer

Homestead of the karelian farmer

Interactive excursion, panoramas. (about)

Journey to the Old Town

Путешествие в Старый Город

Travel Kizhi peasant in the city of Petrozavodsk (in russian) (about / in russian)

Kizhi regatta

Kizhi regatta

Online game (in russian)



Online game

«The Heavens of Zaonezhiye»

«The Heavens of Zaonezhiye»

The unique world of northern icon (about)

Kizhi island

Kizhi island

Kizhi virtual tour (about)

Nature of the Kizhi island

Nature of the Kizhi island

Interactive excursion (in russian) (about / in russian)

Музеи России - Museums in Russia Музей-заповедник «Кижи» на сайте Культура.рф